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About Me

Junior Software Developer with background in warehousing and management for 8 years. Recently graduated from Le Wagon intensive Web Development Bootcamp and completed a group project using HTML, CSS, JS AND RUBY ON RAILS. I am looking for opportunities in Backend Development as i really enjoy writing scripts to make my life easy using code and automating tasks.
I always had a passion for technology and how it can improve people's lives. I started to learn more about it on my own and quickly realised that I wanted to make a career change and thats when i found Le Wagon and it changed my life by giving me the skills that i needed
Few things that i am really interested in: • Scripting in shortcuts ios app • Raspberry Pi • Internet of things

  • Javascript/Ruby Developer
    Writing Scripts using Node and Ruby
  • Web Devolopment
    Designing web/app interfaces
  • Ios Shortcuts Development
    Making Ios Shorcuts for every day use
  • Software Developer Internship
    Worked in a digital Company for 3 months to get local Australian experience
  • Forklift Driver
    Working in Factory from last 5 years
  • Le Wagon
    Intensive 6 months Web Developer Bootcamp that is focused on Ruby and Rails Development and Deployment.

My Services

Anonymous Feedback

Designed for small companies, my anonymous feedback service enables you to receive honest feedback from your customers, employees, or website visitors without revealing their identities.

Web Scraping

Need website data scraped on a daily basis? I've got you covered. My web scraping service provides reliable and efficient data extraction from various websites, every day. With my automated tools and experience.

Suburb Finder

Looking for an efficient way to streamline your warehouse operations? My suburb finder service helps small businesses identify the location of their incoming stock, so forklift drivers can efficiently put it away in the warehouse.

My Work


Fuel App

The app keeps track of all the cheapest fuel prices in australia

image of the website mainpage

Suburb Finder App

This app help find the bay number of the suburbs that is written on the pallet labels


Github Info Checker

App is easy, simply add your github username and it will show you some of your github details

hero page of powerbank website

Power Bank Marketplace app

This app was made for user to add powerbanks for rent.

hero page of powerbank website

Discord Emoji

Finding generic discord emoji's can be hard, so simply click on the emoji and paste in discord.


shortcuts logo

Shortcuts and Macro Keyboard

Run Ios shortcuts with Macro Keyboards

cron in terminal window

Running a cron job in mac

This article helps to write your first cronjob in mac

johnny five code

Johnny five library Led api

This article shows you how to know the state of the api in johnny five library

Contact Me